(Note: All characters in this story are 18 years of age or older.)
“I’m so tired!” Ying exclaimed and fell on the large bed she was sharing with her friend and roommate Katie.
“Me too!” Katie agreed and lay down right next to Ying. The two high school seniors had just finished another one of these long days of dance trainings and rehearsals for their ballet performance next week and definitely needed some rest. They felt lucky to have been selected as the only ones from their ballet class to join this summer school of a famous dance company in a big city on the East coast.
But then again, they had no idea of how intensive it would be and how exhausting; several units of practice every day and performances every two weeks.
They knew, , that they had to pull through, since only if their teachers would be convinced of their talent and willingness to work hard, would they get a chance of being offered a place in the dance company in Fall which would be a great jump-start of their dance careers.
Ying was originally from China but had lived in the U.S. for almost her entire life. She was about 5’2″ tall, almost a bit too short for a ballet dancer, but not only had great talent but also a perfect figure.
She was proud of her long, black hair and had a stunningly beautiful face with an absolutely charming smile. She wore pink ballet tights, size 5 pointe shoes of the same color and a white, slightly shiny, nylon leotard with short sleeves. Her hair was bound up tightly in a bun, as was required by all ballet students.
Katie, about four inches taller than Ying, a blonde cutie originally from Texas and Ying’s best friend for many years, wore off-white colored smooth ballet tights and size 7 black pointe shoes, as well as a long-sleeved black nylon leotard.
She turned over to her friend and took the pins out of her hair bun to free her beautiful long black Asian hair.
As Katie was straightening out Ying’s hair and seeing her beautiful body right next to her, she experienced this same strange sensation she had had several times in the past when being together with Ying, but she didn’t really know what it was.
Somehow it felt like butterflies in her stomach, she got warmer and her heart pounded a bit faster…
“Thanks, Katie.” Ying said, turned around and smiled at her. “Let me loosen up your hair, too.” Katie felt even warmer now as Ying’s small tender white Asian hands slowly went through her shoulder-long blond hair and straightened it out.
Well, wouldn’t it be more accurate to say “caressed it?” Katie thought to herself.
“I know we’re both tired and kind of done for today, but I think we should at least briefly go over this one new move we learned today,” Ying suggested. ‘Oh my god,’ Katie thought, ‘this girl is ambition incarnate…’ But she agreed and they both got up from the bed and went over the dance moves together.
Ying stood closely behind Katie and helped her move her arms and legs exactly as she remembered their teacher showed it to them earlier.
Katie tried hard but was not really able to do it precisely right, partially because she was tired, but even more so because standing so close to her friend and being gently touched by her intensified her warm feelings from earlier.
“I’m so sorry, Ying, I guess I’m of not much use anymore tonight… How about you show it to me again and I just watch?”
Katie sat on the edge of the bed, her tights-clad legs crossed, in amazement as Ying went on to perform the dance steps so elegantly and gracefully, in sheer perfection, now her long beautiful black hair waving back and forth, contrasting with her white leotard.
Again, Katie got these feelings arising in her, and she now knew that they were more than “just feelings;” she really loved her Asian friend in a very deep, very physical way, she realized.
“Great job, Ying!” She complimented her friend, stood up, and gave her a hug, maybe just a tiny bit longer than was appropriate between them. But it was really weird: in the moment when Katie thought she needed to release her hug, Ying started to squeeze her more firmly to her body and then kissed her, gently, on the cheek.
‘What was that?’ Katie wondered. ‘Should Ying be…?’ But before she could go into much thought and deliberation, Ying started to talk to her.
“Well, Katie, I know you may be surprised, but, well, you know, I have had feelings for you for a while but… well, I guess I was too ashamed sharing them with you, since, like, you have been my friend for so long, and so… but now, when I sensed something coming from you I decided to not hold back any longer…” Ying stammered, nervously moving her fingers through her long hair, not being able to hide her embarrassment.
“Wow!” was the only word Katie could find to comment on her friend’s coming out. Her heart pounded more strongly and she got really hot now, getting red all over her face.
“Why don’t you lie down on the bed?” Ying suggested. “I will give you a nice massage after this long and hard day of training.”
‘Massage?’ Katie wondered. They never had done such a thing to each other before. But anyway, she was curious, and, more than that, excited to get even closer to her friend Ying that night than she had ever gotten before. She rested her head on a pillow, lay down on her back and stretched out her legs, her feet just barely reaching over the edge of the bed.
Ying approached her with a big smile and softly caressed Katie’s right leg, her thigh, knee and calf, all clad in the smooth off-white ballet tights. Katie experienced a tingling sensation as Ying’s small Asian fingers exerted just the right amount of gentle pressure.
When rubbing on her skin, Katie could feel Ying’s finger cusps through the fabric of her tights and got exhilarated about this erotic sensation.
Then Ying’s hands went down a bit, massaging Katie’s ankle, and then down further, rubbing her right foot through her black pointe shoe, with a firmer and stronger pressure now, since the ballet shoes were of a much sturdier fabric.
Then, very slowly, Ying untied the shoe from Katie’s lower legs and removed the heel part of the right shoe from Katie’s foot, while continuing with her massage and also sticking her fingers inside of the shoe, between the soles of Katie’s foot and the bottom of the shoe.
Katie had gotten so hot and aroused in the meantime that her pussy had become wet with juices and she sensed that some of them would start to flow out to her crotch area; soon.
Since she was not wearing panties underneath her tights, Ying would be able to detect a wet spot between Katie’s legs any minute now, she thought.
Ying meanwhile kept working on Katie’s right foot, gently massaging it all over the place and increasing Katie’s sexual arousal so that her eyes widened and her head slightly arched backwards.
Ying then slowly, bit by bit, removed more of Katie’s black pointe shoe, until it was just dangling from her toes.
“Don’t let it drop!” Ying ordered her with a tone somewhat sterner than Katie had seen in her before.
This was easier said than done because Ying kept rubbing her ankle, heel, sole and upper part of Katie’s size 7 foot more firmly and more intensely, so she thought she would have to drop the shoe any moment now.
As Ying moved her face closer to Katie’s foot and started to gently lick her slightly sweaty and salty tasting heels, the pointe shoe came flying down to the floor.
“Oh no!” Ying scolded her friend. “I think you didn’t listen to what I said! This will have consequences…”, and there was a broad grin on her face.
She went to the bathroom and soon returned with a small hairbrush in her hand. ‘What was she up to now?’ Katie wondered, still in paradise of sexual pleasure and lustful anticipation of more to come.
“Turn over!” Ying said, and Katie now lay down on her belly, the bottom of her right foot being exposed and showing invitingly to Ying.
Ying first slowly untied and removed Katie’s left pointe shoe, all the while gently massaging all the parts of the foot through the nylon fabric, then took the hairbrush and very gently, barely touching, brushed over Katie’s right foot sole. Katie had never experienced this sensation before; it was weird and in fact totally tickled the hell out of her.
“Hahahahahaha—hihihihi—hahahahaha— stop it, Ying! Stop it! You are killing me! Hahahahahahaha—hahahahah!” Katie was laughing and laughing as Ying carefully kept brushing her right and then her left sole to keep her on the tickling edge.
As Katie had difficulty breathing from so much laughing and her cries for mercy and stopping became absolutely desperate, Ying finally made an end to the torturous play… but only to move higher up with the brush, first tickling Katie’s right calf, knee and thigh, all through her off-white ballet tights, then continuing with even more force over Katie’s left leg, and finally over her nylon-clad firm butt.
As Ying moved the brush around on Katie’s skin, Katie continued to experience wild tickling sensations and she soon started to laugh again, squirming, shaking her legs and contorting her feet to try to escape Ying’s tickle torture.
But Ying would have none of this and squatted down over Katie’s lower legs, putting the brush aside and continuing the tickling with her hands, fingers, and fingernails.
She carefully observed Katie’s reactions to her treatments and whenever Katie’s laughter intensified and whenever Katie tried to escape more desperately, Ying took these signs as cues to keep providing more of her torturing punishment and make Katie suffer for a prolonged amount of time.
Ying could clearly see the wet spot formed by Katie’s pussy juices, soaking both her tights and her leotard in her crotch area. But Ying was too busy getting Katie’s butt, arms and armpits tickled like crazy, so she didn’t bother to comment and tease Katie on these outer signs of sexual arousal.
In fact, Ying herself had been enjoying this teasing and tickling torture immensely as a very lustful experience, as well, and her breasts had become firm with her cute dark brown Asian nipples erect and showing clearly against the shiny nylon fabric of her white leotard.
Her pussy juices had been flowing out onto her pink tights as well but were just short of showing through the leotard fabric; like Katie, she also preferred not to wear anything underneath her ballet tights…
As Katie’s movements of evasion got stronger and more desperate, Ying quickly grabbed a pair of black nylon tights from the floor and tied Katie’s wrists together firmly. That way, she figured, Katie would be less able to do any evasive maneuvers once the tickling would become even more intense.
Ying turned around on the bed and squatted across Katie’s shoulders, her thighs in the pink ballet tights firmly pressed against Katie’s head.
Ying kept tickling Katie’s arms, changing from gentle movements with her finger cusps, to using her fingernails, then grabbing her arms more firmly, then continued a second time over Katie’s firm round ass, making sure she would not miss out on any tickling sensation there, either, and then continued down Katie’s tights-clad thighs, knees and finally her feet again.
When Ying took up the hairbrush for a second time and gently applied it to Katie’s feet and legs, this tingling sensation on her soft skin, mediated through the nylon off-white ballet tights, was too much again for Katie and this young blonde high school senior ballet dancer exploded into another seemingly endless outburst of tickling laughter.
“Hihihihihihihi – hahaha — hihihihi – oh no, oh no! Oh my god, Ying! You have to— hahahahahahaha – hihihi — hahahahahaha— have to stop! Oh shit! You are KILLING me! –Hahaha…”
Katie was experiencing the tickle sensations even stronger, could not stop laughing, and again almost was unable to catch a breath, to the point where she got so scared that the laughing almost stopped. But it was still a strangely wonderful combination of the joy of being tickled, and the fear of losing her breath, together with the ever so intensified feeling of lust…
After several more minutes of intense tickling by Ying, Katie was indeed at the end of her rope and decided she didn’t like it any more. Ying had gone too far with this.
‘And then this tying of my hands? What the heck is this about?’ It almost seemed to her that the whole build-up of her sexual arousal and energy had gone down the drain and that she would have to tell Ying that they had to completely leave this new area of their relationship for good, forget it all completely, and start all over again.
Meanwhile though, Ying had changed her position by turning around again and sitting down on Katie’s cute but muscular ass, their pink and white ballet tights rubbing against each other, making swishy sounds, Ying’s lower legs spread to the left and right of Katie’s thighs. She loosened the black tights to free Katie’s hands, taking them up gently and kissing them all over, muttering a semi-honest “Sorry”.
Then she started to slowly unzip Katie’s black leotard, with every inch of it opening, gently massaging the soft skin of her high school friend.
Ying enjoyed the sensation of how the smooth and slightly shiny nylon fabric of Katie’s leotard felt when it was so tightly stretched on her skin and she made sure to give Katie every possible pleasure sensation while taking off her nylon top she could muster.
Katie was half shocked half excited. In all these years she had never seen Ying naked nor had Ying seen her with no clothes on, ever.
Ying seemed to be ready for the next step, she realized, but how about herself? She decided not to let any fears come in the way what was probably meant to be that night.
After asking Ying to get off her butt, Katie turned around, sat up and faced Ying who had now perfect access to Katie’s beautifully shaped round size 36C breasts, still tautly covered by her black leotard whose back part had been completely unzipped meanwhile.
Ying caressed Katie’s shoulders and upper arms softly, enjoying every bit of the erotic sensation of the black leotard tightly encasing her friend’s upper body, and making Katie more aroused.
Then her hands and fingers slowly moved down to Katie’s beautiful round shapely breasts and spent a long time with both gently and more firmly massaging them, including the now fully erect nipples. Katie arched her head back again out of sexual lust and pleasure, biting her lower lip and starting to breathe in a slightly faster pace.
Ying continued by slowly taking Katie’s leotard off, first freeing her arms, then slowly let the front part fall down so Katie’s breasts got exposed for the first time, and finally taking the black nylon piece of fabric completely off Katie’s body.
Ying was amazed by the size of the wet spot in Katie’s crotch area and loved the pungent hot smell that emanated from there, as well.
With one hand, she massaged Katie’s breasts and nipples, who kept breathing even faster still and started to moan, with her other hand she rubbed Katie’s sex, paying first attention to her swollen outer lips, then letting her fingers slide inside, Katie spreading her legs to provide better access, and Yin sticking two fingers into Katie’s soaking wet pussy, making her cry out in lustful anticipation.
Then Ying pushed her fingers in and out, increasing the speed and pressure, and finally using both of her hands to pleasure Katie as best as she could.
Just as Katie was on the verge of an orgasm, triggered by Ying’s rhythmic fondling of her friend’s enlarged and hard clitoris, Ying withdrew to Katie’s disappointment and asked her to remove her own leotard in turn, so Katie could admire Ying’s cute Asian 34B tits.
Katie, still a bit put off by having to — at least temporarily — forgo an orgasm that had been so close, was, on the other hand, glad that she finally would take initiative now and be able to pleasure her friend in a similar manner as she had been pleasured herself by Ying before.
Katie started with kissing her friend on her cheeks, then on her lips, savoring the strong sexual sensation of touching her so intimately. She went further, entered into Ying’s mouth with her tongue, flicking Ying’s little sweet Asian tongue for an extended period of time.
Both she and Ying got totally aroused by this tongue fucking and could not wait to get further in their making out experience.
Katie stroked Ying’s neck, shoulders, and chest gently, experiencing the sensation of her fingers and hand gliding over the smooth and soft nylon fabric of her friend’s white leotard, now having the opposite experience as she just did a little while ago.
Ying also relished in this special pleasure treatment and couldn’t wait until Katie’s hands reached her breasts and erect protruding dark nipples, getting hugely aroused by her friend’s sensuous massage through the tightly fitting fabric of her white leotard.
She whispered into Katie’s ear to take it off but Katie enjoyed teasing her friend and took quite a while for this process, enjoying every bit along the way.
Finally, as Katie had removed Ying’s white leotard from her body, she admired her friend’s absolutely gorgeous upper body which she had never seen before naked, her 34B ivory firm and round breasts and her dark nipples still standing out erect by over half an inch.
The young ballerinas soon fell into each others arms and lay next to each other, making out, kissing each other all over their bodies, returning to several extended sessions of French kissing, their firm breasts touching and gently rubbing together.
When they released their embrace, Katie had the strong desire to pleasure her friend in a similar way as Ying had done with her earlier, and asked Ying to lie on her back, close her eyes and relax.
She could not get enough of soaking in this beautiful appearance of this young Asian girl with her gorgeous face and ivory colored body, stunning long black hair, and only dressed in her pink ballet tights and pink pointe shoes.
Katie started by gently massaging Ying’s scalp, then went over her face, entering Ying’s mouth with her fingers in a playful way, making both herself and Ying even crazier of lust.
Her hands then moved across Ying’s neck and shoulders, then slowly approaching her firm white breasts, teasingly and gently touching their perimeter, and then slowly massaging them more firmly, until reaching the areolas and erect brown nipples.
Ying started to moan as Katie squeezed her nipples a bit too firmly, and then Katie took a long time to suck on each of Ying’s hardened nipples, making Ying’s moans even louder still and increasing Ying’s flow of pussy juices in her crotch.
Katie observed Ying moving her hands towards her crotch, clearly with the intention to masturbate, but she gently took her hands away and put them next to her hips. “Not yet…” she whispered into her friend’s ear.
Katie now turned around, riding her friend by sitting on her crotch and bending down all the way until she reached Ying’s feet. A long massage was in order, through both her shoes and tights, so she used pretty firm pressure with her fingers and hands.
Apparently, Ying was more than pleased with that treatment, and started to breathe more heavily, her wet spot between her legs extending over several inches.
Katie slowly took off one size 5 pink pointe shoe at a time, while keeping gently massaging Ying’s cute small Asian feet through her pink tights. After both of her shoes had been taken off, it was time to lick Ying’s feet and suck her toes.
Both of them enjoyed this foot worship immensely and Ying had to pull together all her strength not to start masturbating again.
But then she had a different idea… she picked up Katie’s right foot and moved it towards her mouth. Within a second, Katie suddenly experienced her friend’s cute little tongue again, rubbing through the fabric of her off-white ballet tights and licking and kissing her foot again all over the place, just to continue with heavy toe sucking. It was heaven again for Katie…
“Hey Katie,” Ying said teasingly. “I can tell you like this licking and sucking stuff, it makes you hot, see?” and she pointed to the huge wet spot in Katie’s crotch area that had almost doubled in size during the last couple of minutes.
Katie didn’t take a second to decide if she should be embarrassed or angry or something else but got off Ying’s hips, turned around and kneeled in front of her friend.
She put her face deep into Ying’s crotch, starting to lick her private parts as hard as she could. Katie had waited for that moment all along and so had Ying, and Ying squeezed Katie’s head into her crotch more tightly using both of her hands to heighten the sexual pleasure.
Katie spread Ying’s muscular and shapely legs wide apart to get better access to her friend’s crotch and soon found Ying’s swollen outer lips underneath her pink tights with her exploring tongue.
She loved the sweet and slightly pungent scent emanating from Ying’s crotch as her pussy juices kept flowing out of her lust hole while being sexually pleasured by Katie.
After moving her tongue between Ying’s lips into her pussy several times, licking off and savoring Ying’s hot juices, almost bringing Ying over the edge, she found Ying’s lust pearl which had hardened in the meantime and stood out like a cute little rod.
She provided all the attention and pleasure she could muster to Ying’s clitoris using all her creativity with her tongue; her friend had started to breathe more rapidly and encouraged Katie to continue.
It felt absolutely wonderful to experience Katie’s tongue moving over her private parts, at times gently, at times more firmly, mediated through the soft fabric of her pink ballet tights, which magnified and intensified the erotic pleasure for her.
Katie felt that Ying was on the verge of a massive orgasm and kept going non-stop to pressure her tongue on her friend’s firm clitoris and apply rhythmic circular motion to this most sensitive area, all through the soft and moist fabric of Ying’s ballet tights.
Ying started to shout, pressed Katie’s head even more firmly down on her crotch, and then exploded in a wild orgasm she had never experienced before, her whole body shaking and convulsing wildly, pulses of hot sexual energy streaming up and down her body, and then streams of orgasmic juices squirting out of her pussy into her totally wet crotch, only to be sucked in by Katie who had gotten hotter and hornier herself by the minute.
As Ying’s orgasmic convulsions finally subsided, a big smile appeared on her face and her only goal was to make her friend at least as happy as she was herself. She raised her feet and reached out to Katie’s face, still low on the bed, asking her to lick and suck them as hard and best as she could.
Katie felt that she would not need much stimulation in order to come and was very happy to have another experience of Ying’s small feet and toes in her pink tights, now more sweaty than before and tasting a little more intense, but still so very cute. After this foreplay, she sat up in the bed, spread her legs, and put Ying’s feet on her crotch.
“I want you to give me a footjob,” she said to Ying, who was maybe less surprised than Katie would have imagined, and now used all her skills to massage Katie’s private parts with her heels, soles and toes.
Once she found Katie’s clit, smaller but firmer than her own, she thought, she had no trouble doing the end game.
Watching Katie’s eyes widen, her breathing getting faster, her moaning louder, she kept the pressure on Katie’s sex and kept on going, finally using her two big toes like in a wedge to bring Katie over the edge, as well.
Katie totally got turned on by this pair of cute little Asian size 5 feet in pink tights rubbing her most sensitive lust organ so artfully, the whole experience of her own tights and Ying’s tights rubbing and swishing together to intensify the sexually pleasurable sensation.
As Katie started to come, she screamed out loud several times, experienced convulsions all over her body, released loads of hot juices over Ying’s feet, and saw mosaics of brilliant colors all over the place. Never had she experienced an orgasm even remotely as magnificent as this one…
As the two ballerinas were completely engrossed in their sex play, they did not notice a gentle knock on the door of their room. After a little while, the door opened and James, one of their male dance colleagues, appeared.
“Are you ready for dinner?” He asked, not yet noticing the situation they were in. “I expected you about twenty minutes ago…–” He suddenly turned around, covering his eyes, as he noticed Katie and Ying semi-nude on their bed and staring at him with wide open eyes in total surprise.
“James! You—” Ying shouted out in disbelief. “How come you are walking in on us just like that? – That’s right, turn around, don’t look! I can’t believe it!”
“Well, I’m so sorry,” James apologized. “We had this date and I did knock on your door and, well….” he stammered in embarrassment, trying to justify his behavior.
‘What were these girls up to?’ He thought to himself. ‘How come they still wore their ballet tights more than one hour after the training and how come they were topless?’ He hadn’t looked closely enough in these brief moments to notice the large wet spots in both ballerinas’ crotch areas, clearly showing on their off-white and pink ballet tights.
“No, James, WE are sorry,” Katie chimed in. “We totally missed our dinner date… It’s really not your fault, okay? I guess—”and she looked at Ying with a twinkle in her eyes – “I guess, we were kind of—distracted, let’s put it that way…”
Ying and Katie meanwhile had slipped underneath the bed sheet, just their heads showing. “It’s okay for you to turn around again,” Ying encouraged James. “All safe now!” And she put on one of her most charming big smiles.
James faced the two girls again and walked a couple of steps closer to the bed.
“Distracted?” He asked. “What do you mean by ‘distracted’?” He slowly got over his feeling of shame and embarrassment and started to enjoy the situation he was in—in a room alone with two really hot young chicks that were wearing nothing but smooth ballet tights.
“Come on, James.” Ying answered. “Can’t you guess what was going on?” She had her big almost boyish smile on again, challenging James.
“Well, it seems to me, well, to be honest with you, I mean, like, I think…” James was still a bit too shy to just tell them outright what he thought was going on before he entered the room.
“How about you join us?” Katie broke the silence. “You’ll have to take your clothes off, though…” Ying and Katie giggled, like being conspirators in something terribly silly. James did not hesitate and just decided to go for it, whatever it would be, this would be HIS opportunity to have fun with the girls.
He forgot completely about the dinner date and that he was quite hungry, being all overwhelmed with this almost unbelievable opportunity to slip under the sheet with these two hot ballerinas he just had met a couple of weeks ago.
He took off his clothes, including his boxer shorts, not even worrying that the girls would see his semi-erect cock with some drops of pre-cum already emanating from its glans. He pulled down the sheet and lay down next to Ying, with Katie being on the other side, then pulled the sheet back over their bodies.
Touching this young hot Asian girl next to him was like heaven if not better, his erection soon grew to its maximum size and he could not stop stroking Ying gently all over her body, including her firm breasts and erect nipples, then moving his hands down to caress her ass and legs through the smooth, soft, shiny fabric of her pink tights.
Now of course his hands could clearly feel the giant wet spot between Ying’s thighs and he smelled his wet fingers for a while to soak up the sweet juices of this Asian girl’s pussy as much as he could,
“You like the smell of me down there, don’t you?” Ying asked James teasingly with a suggestive, slutty smile. “Hot Asian pussy juices, right? Hahaha!” She laughed out loud as she noticed James’ face turning red.
In truth she had enjoyed James’ massage over her body as much as he had, in particular the sensations of his fingers and hands moving up and down her legs, experiencing the gentle rubbing through the texture of her ballet tights.
As James massaged her cute Asian ass through the silky fabric of her pink tights, she even squirmed slightly, trying not to let James notice too much how aroused he had made her.
“Move over, you guys!” Katie asked, as she had gotten out of the bed and walked towards the other side. She felt bored and lonely, jealous of her friend, and needed attention from a guy, as well.
With that, James wound up sandwiched between the two young hot ballerinas, both of them facing him and pressing their hot sexy bodies against his. He felt Ying’s breasts and nipples tightly squeezed against his back, while Katie’s nipples almost exactly touched his own.
When Katie gently held his head, stroked his hair and gently kissed him on his lips, then moved her tongue inside his mouth and went on with a fiery French kissing, he thought he would come very soon.
But the hot ballerina girls sensed his extreme arousal and prevented his hands from touching his steel rod by each grasping and holding one of his hands firmly. They were also careful not to touch his hard-on either. James was in sort of a limbo, magnificent on the one hand, horribly torturous on the other hand.
But the ballerinas were not done with James yet, as they now used their feet encased in their smooth tights to tease James’ feet and legs all over, just barely touching his rock solid cock, in order not to make him come prematurely.
It was heaven and hell at the same time for James, as he had these sensations of absolute sexual pleasure from the two girls’ feet, covered in their pink and off-white tights, gently rubbing and massaging his lower body all over the place. On the other hand, he could not touch his cock nor did they touch it much, either. How long would he be able to sustain this torture?
Somehow, he didn’t know from where, an idea popped into his head, and he was able to wrestle his right hand from Katie’s firm grip for a moment, but not to touch his cock, but to tickle Katie’s feet and legs through the fabric of her off-white smooth ballet tights. He was lucky since Katie turned out to be ticklish to the max and immediately went into a loud, sustained laughing mode.
James managed to get his other hand away from Ying’s grasp as well, and, encouraged by Katie’s feedback, kept tickling her feet, calves, knees, thighs and ass cheeks with both of his hands.
Ying watched in joyful surprise this repeat of Katie’s tickling experience from just a little while ago, but did not stop massaging James’ body all over the place with her tights-clad cute size 5 Asian feet.
Katie had bursd out into another series of loud and almost continuous laughter, encouraging James to go even farther in his tickling, also tickling her upper body, her belly, belly button, breasts, nipples, arms and armpits.
He was surprised by how much of a turn-on this tickling adventure was for himself and he noticed that Katie had gotten totally aroused by this as well. James kept going and going and Katie kept laughing, squirming under him, trying to escape as, again, it became almost impossible for her to catch her breath between the almost uninterrupted sequence of loud laughter.
Finally, as James noticed that she was almost done and the fun might end very soon, he let go, just finishing off with a firm massage of her ass encased in her off-white ballet tights. Katie was exhilarated but also exasperated from this wildest tickling torture of this night…
James now turned around towards Ying, and she decided it was time to move to the next level with James and her feet went over his upper thighs, targeting his massive boner that meanwhile was engulfed in wet pre-cum.
Her soles pressed on his shaft from both sides, massaging it firmly up and down, making James moan of lust as he felt her small cute Asian feet gently squeezing his manhood, the sensation mediated by her smooth pink nylon ballet tights. James’ body tensed up and soon he moaned louder and louder.
Ying now used her toes and toenails to exert more pressure and pain at the same time on James’ cock, creating an absolutely magnificent sensation for him by doing this treatment through her pink tights.
James was now almost ready to explode, and when she put his whole cock between her cute Asian feet, letting him experience the pressure and the sensation of the texture of her smooth pink ballet tights as her feet slowly but firmly were rubbing his boner up and down, while she was resting her nylon-encased heels on his balls and firmly grabbing the head of his cock with her toes, he knew he would come any moment now.
A couple of upwards and downwards strokes from Ying’s feet on his manhood, with increased pressure at each move, were enough to make him cum. He shot more than a dozen loads all over Ying’s feet and tights, then also did the same on Katie’s feet, legs and tights, so to give each of them their fair share of his white cum.
Although James was as happy and fulfilled as he had never been before in his life, his lustful desires were not over and he knew he needed more. He grabbed Ying, made her turn around and rest on her hands and knees in front of him and started to fuck her between her tights-encased legs as hard as he could.
Ying, whose private parts had been aroused again to the max already, got hotter, started to breathe faster and shouted out loud, asking James to keep fucking her as hard as he could and not stop.
He noticed how much wet stuff came down from Ying’s Asian pussy and totally enjoyed the sweet pungent girly scent of it which he just had experienced a couple of minutes before.
He made his right thumb wet with her pussy juices and slowly inserted it into her anus, while not ripping her pink tights. When Ying felt James enter her back door, she moaned loudly and got aroused even more, almost to the point of coming.
But James really wanted more and so he first pushed the moistened fabric of Ying’s tights deep into her pussy, then rammed his hard cock inside of her as deep as he could, fucking her through her tights.
The feeling of his cock inside of this young Asian ballerina’s pink wet pussy plus the sensation of the fabric of her wet pink ballet tights that were wrapped around his cock, made him hot and crazy beyond measure.
Ying also completely enjoyed this tights-mediated fuck, with the addition of James’ finger in her ass hole and she screamed louder and louder and after a couple of minutes, she reached her second orgasm of the night, her body shaking wildly and more juices gushing out of her lust hole on top of James’ cock.
James took his rod out of her pussy and continued by fucking Ying’s tight ass through her pink ballet tights, until he shot off his loads into her shit hole and then all over her body, including her pretty black hair.
Katie enjoyed watching the hard fucking action of her friend Ying and James meanwhile, fingering her private parts almost to the point of orgasm. She was ready for James, too, and so was James. He made Katie lay on her back, resting her head on a pillow, and without much foreplay, forced his solid cock deep inside her juicy wet cute pussy.
Katie uttered a loud moan, as she was surprised by how fast James moved matters forward.
He grabbed Katie’s beautiful round 36C breasts and massaged them with firm pressure, paying special attention to her dark nipples which already stood erect, pinching them with his fingers just enough to create pain, but not end her pleasure.
All the while, he was fucking her as hard as he could, but did not rip her off-white tights. Katie bit on her lower lips out of arousal, then pulled her legs together and raised her feet to touch James’ face.
This was right up his alley and he licked and sucked her cute size 7 feet, enjoying their slightly sweaty and salty taste and the sensation of her ankles, soles, heels and toes through her tights.
Katie pressed her legs together and so squeezed James’ cock which still was fucking her wet pussy in rhythmic motion. James didn’t know what to focus on since he experienced so many different wonderful sensations at the same time.
His boner was in Katie’s pussy, surrounded by her off-white wet tights, creating a wonderful feeling of extra friction in the fuck; whenever his cock pulled out of her lust hole, it was greeted by her off-white ballet tights encased thighs and firmly rubbing against it; and finally, he could not stop getting pleasure from licking and sucking Katie’s feet in her ballet tights all over the place.
He knew that he would not be able to hold back from coming yet another time for much longer.
Suddenly, James felt Ying’s body behind him, she was pressing her cute firm breasts against his back, further magnifying his sexual arousal. Soon thereafter, he felt her cute Asian fingers, lubricated by her sweet pussy juices and his cum, entering his anus; first one finger, then two, finally her whole hand, ass-fucking him as hard as she could.
This was definitely more than he could bear and with a couple of deep thrusts into Katie’s vagina, and some hard sucking on her tights-clad toes, he finally exploded for the third time this night, shooting many loads of thin cum all over Katie’s body, her face, her breasts and her sex.
As he recovered from his orgasm, he almost felt like in trance, and he barely noticed that the girls first finger-fucked each other into another orgasm, then dragged him into the shower, cleaned him up, dressed him, and finally sent him back to his room…
by fanofpantyhose